As a classic product of the new generation instant wall-hung boiler with plate heat exchanger, Polar series wall -hung boiers not only follows the original product stable and reliable characteristics, but also significantly improves the installation, use, maintenance and control, so that you can enjoy the quality of life. Poalr system boiler can be matched with external domestic hot water tank to meet the needs of users with large demand for domestic hot water.

Main features
■ Anti - legionnella function
■ Compact dimensions
■ Heating, large DHW production when being equipped with external
storage tank
■ Quality and safety 100%
■ Expansion vessel cap. 8 L
■ Anti-block copper main heating exchanger
■ Adjustable maximum heating power
■ Intelligent control system with more than 20 settable parameters
■ Brass hydraulic group meet DIN standards
■ Easy to be installed anywhere
■ Easy to maintain
■ IPX4D electrical protection rate
■ High efficiency to reduce gas consumption
■ Microprocessor control
■ Friendly LCD interface to users
■ Chimney sweeper mode
■ Electrical three-way valve
■ 3-speed pump
■ Automatic hydraulic by-pass